This is an old page, left here for posterity. It's over a decade old and has spent most of that time mothballed, which is why it is so ridiculously out-of-date. I'm building a new site here but it's going very slowly. Note that the counters on my pages seem to have gone funny, but I only put them here for a bit of fun.
At last I've written a new set of pages! After a decade of not updating How to get free web pages, I now have a free software guide.
First of all, you must choose where you are going to place your page(s). Some organisations will allow non-profit organisations and individuals free web space.
Then, you will need to write your page(s) in HTML.
After writing your page(s), it is a good idea to announce to the world where your information can be found.
people have loaded this image.
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